


I have to apologize for not posting for these past few weeks.  I’m transitioning from 6th grade Language Arts teacher to a PhD Candidate student.  I’ve learned that transitions are hard for me.  New things require a lot of mental adjustment for me.  Between orientations & training, the first day of school, the first week of school, and relearning how to teach adult students vs child students have left me mentally exhausted over the weekend.  The Labor Day Weekend really helped to recharge and revitalize me.


I started a project in the beginning of August (Project Silence), but haven’t worked on it since–until yesterday.  I had only intended to write a short amount (250 words–about 1 typed page), but I was able to pick up instantly where I left off.  I wrote 853 words (well over 3 pages) and I’m bumping against my (soft) limit of 1000 words.  My goal is to keep this project short & sweet, but I feel that it bodes well that I was able to dive right back in even with almost a month break in the middle of it.


What I have been doing over the intervening time is submitting my work.  I was looking at & finding 5-10 markets at a time, but that took too much time to research, especially once school started.  Over the past two weeks, I’ve discovered that finding 2-3 markets is better and then if those markets pass on the story, redoing the process with another 2-3 markets.  This is far more manageable–especially since my goal is to keep all of my projects out until they are sold.


I finished watching the entire 5 Season run of Stargate Atlantis via Amazon.  Last night, iTunes had a sale on the 1st season of Blindspot, so I decided to give it a try.  It has an actress that I like (she play Sif in Thor and Torres in The Last Stand.  I like her work, but the pilot was very rushed in terms of its plotting.  I think they are trying to imitate the same quick style of plotting that the Jason Bourne movies have, but right now it is too soon for me to tell if I’m going to like the series or not.  I’ll check back in later when I’m finished or deeper in and I’ll give an update on the show.

Well, that’s all I have time for this week–hopefully, I can get back to a weekly schedule for posting as that worked out well over the summer.  See you next time!



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