Please, and Take It With You

Picture of a tree with a sign that says: "Please take your rubbish with you." How to prevent other from illegally dumping trash in your dumpster.
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So, trash collection service in my city happens (for my neighborhood) happens on Mondays. I put my trash out as normal this morning, but it was mid afternoon (1:00 pm – 2:00 pm) before the collection occurred, As I had already been outside today in order to 1) get some air and sunlight and 2) do an hour’s worth of yard work, I decided not to go out and put the trash can up immediately. What should have been a personal choice on my part may have serious consequences for me (although I hopefully took enough preventative steps).

Putting Trash in Someone Else’s Trash Can in the Height of a Pandemic???!!!

Forgive me if I’m out of touch, but I looked up between watching the Expanse in the background and writing emails for school, to see a car drive up and begin dumping trash into my can. I put on my shoes and hurried out to confront the person, but they had already driven away by the time I got outdoors. However, in my can was–and I kid you not–multiple used wipes and lollipops that had been unwrapped (and presumably licked by the person’s kids).

In the midst of a pandemic. I’ll let that sink in.

Wipes and used lollipops in the midst of a pandemic. In someone else’s trash can. Unwrapped.

Now, I don’t know about where you live, but throwing trash into any can that isn’t your own or isn’t a public receptacle is considered a rude move. Well, “rude” isn’t the word that I would use as there is another more appropriate four letter word I could use here, but I like to keep my language clean.

What is About the Word “Pandemic” Are People Not Understanding?

Germs don’t magically disappear when thrown into a trash can, especially if that can isn’t your own. This is a Pandemic. One of the reasons why so many people are under stay-at-home orders (which we are here in Chattanooga), is that we are trying to stop or limit the spread of germs. How does putting your trash (which is loose and unbagged, and consists of germ-ladden items) into someone else’s trash limit the spread of germs and diseases?

So what did I do?

After venting loudly–the car was just turning off the street as I got out there–and while they were too far away to get an earful, if they looked in their rear view mirror, I’m sure they got an eyeful (no “rude” gestures, but I made my displeasure clear).

I then dumped the trash out on to the street, grabbed an old broom, and swept it down the street. I washed out the area in front of the street and then put the old broom in the trash. Next week, I’ll wash out the can once the trash is picked up, but I will be sure not (hopefully) doing anything with the can before then, outside of putting my trash in it (carefully).

What happened if my grandmother had still been alive (she would be 100, closing in 101 this year) and that moment of carelessness, rudeness, irresponsibility, and downright dangerous behavior by the unknown individual might well have been enough to kill her. My mother works at a life-care center for the elderly and sometimes pulls the can inside the gate to be helpful–germs might have spread and infected the most vulnerable population.

A pandemic means that you practice respect for each other. Respect is leaving other people’s things alone if they don’t belong to you. In a pandemic, that could mean the difference between life and death. I hope that person learns that lesson–leave other people’s things alone, including trash cans, especially if you are dumping germ-filled items in them.

Social distancing doesn’t mean keep away from each other–it means keep germs from spreading, and this person definitely did not believe that I, or anyone who might come in contact with that can, was worthy of their respect.


Please consider supporting these fine small press publishers where my work has appeared:

  • The Independent  (Sci-Fi Short-Story)–
    3rd Draft of 3 Drafts 
    Revising Section 3 (of 3)
  • Ship of Shadows Graphic Novel 
    Finished: Script, Issue #1
    Next: Script, Issue #2

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