Web 3.0 (Hopefully)

Woman reading while car drives, Image Source: GATEway Project

Technically, there is no such thing as Web 3.0 (yet), but I can only hope that this will be a “thing” in the very near future.  I’ll explain why down below, but I really think that the Web is beginning to transition into a new evolution, and for me, the transition can’t come soon enough.

Web 1.0 (World Wide Web–The WWW dot era)

So, when the web first came into its own as a way organizing and surfing information, it was revolutionary.  I got my first taste of the Web on AOL (that’s America OnLine to any younger readers of the blog) and I took to it like a duck to water (to use a Southern expression).  It was a great way to organize information for me and really fed my desire for signal (information) vs noise (communication).  I tend to be a high signal (lots of information), low noise (little of others comments and opinions) type of person.  I like being given enough information about the pros and cons of a product, issue, or debate and then making up my mind for myself based on the relevant data.

Web 2.0 (The Social Network Blight)

Then came the new “hotness” of Web 2.0 and that’s where my interest in “the Internet” dampened.  MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Vine, YouTube, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum all popped up, became popular, and dominated the Web experience.  A few have died, a few are on life support, but most are rumbling, stumbling along cluttering the internet with opinions and such.  And yes, I know that technically blogs are a part of Web 2.0, but a blog is much like YouTube–it can be for both personal opinions AND information and I’m fine with that (one of my highest rated posts behind my ranking post of Marvel movies which is my opinion on the movies continues to be the Author’s Note for Here Be Monsters–many people seem genuinely interested in how that story came together–which is informational in nature).    My problem is with sites like Twitter (too short for REAL information, but just right for off-the-cuff opinions), or Facebook (although for families it probably is a great way to stay in touch, especially if they are flung all over the country or the world).  It just doesn’t interest me much–it isn’t that I don’t have friends, but it goes back to the signal vs noise paradigm.  Social Networking tends towards low signal (information) and high noise (communication).  I do much better with information, but I’m resistant to other people’s opinions (which are not necessarily applicable to me)

Web 3.0 (The Internet of things or AI/Deep Learning Convergence)

And now we come to the real reason that I wrote this post.  It seems like we’re transitioning into a post Web 2.0 phase and into what I’m calling Web 3.0–why the media isn’t calling it such, I’m not sure because that’s what it is (although I suspect everyone is still so much in love with Social Networking that they don’t want to see it go).  This era seems set to be dominated by connecting all of our various devices to the Internet (aka “Smart Appliances”) and the rise of AI/Deep Learning Systems (such as Google Assistant and Alexia, Apple’s Siri, Driverless cars, etc).  Now this is truly EXCITING tech to me. Why listen to someone natter on about X, Y, and Z on Twitter, with just a few simple commands, vocal or keyed in, you could have a machine (physical or virtual) do something for you now.  That’s exciting!  More exciting that the Natterverse that we currently have now, at least.

Arduino Circuit Board, Image Source: Arduino.cc

So, I’m back into the game.  I’m going to try to find an area where I can carve out a niche now that the balance is shifting from noise back to signal (I’ve already done arduinos which are little robots that you can program remotely via a simple command interface, but I think I’m going to investigate a little more).  Still, pretty much anything in the Web 3.0 paradigm would be preferable to me as it will require a high signal, low noise paradigm, which in my opinion–see what I did there–is what the Web needs now.


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